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Edible Garden Photo

New edible garden at Langara

Construction of Langara’s new edible garden located along the east side of A Building is expected to be completed this summer. Showcasing fruits and berries, it will familiarize our community with fruit plants and act as a nursery for other plants which will be distributed more widely across campus to increase biodiversity.

The Facilities Department is constructing the physical part of the garden, including bringing water to the site, constructing raised beds, and building a security trellis along the back of the garden. The plants are provided by the Biology Department which will be helping maintain the site as well. Anyone can get involved, and everyone is welcome to pick and eat any ripe fruit. Fruits currently growing include: goumi berries, goji berries, grapes, kiwis, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, plums, cherries, bananas, and others.

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