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Office Printer

Printer ID cards

We are now in the phase of deploying the ID cards for the new printers!

Why do employees need ID Cards?
The ID cards will eventually be for more than just printing. In the future, they will also be used for building access control, Library loans and AV loans. Therefore it is important that each employee obtains an ID card. Employee photos are required for the ID cards for identification purposes.

What is the process for getting an ID card?
For logistical reasons, the cards will be deployed in two phases starting with staff and administrative departments, followed by faculty and instructional departments.

Staff and Administrative Departments:

  • From Tuesday, March 6 to Friday, March 16, AV Services is making rounds to staff and administrative departments to take photos for the ID cards. Managers have been contacted directly by AV with the date their department will be visited.
  • Some processing time is required to print and activate the cards during this phase.  AV will print and deliver the ID cards to your department, starting in April.

Faculty and Instructional Departments:

  • Watch updates here, on the Post, specifying when faculty can start visiting AV (C265) to have the photos taken and receive their ID Cards.

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