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Campus 11

Langara Facilities – summer update

It’s another busy summer for Facilities. Many renovations are underway and timelines are currently being finalized. Thank you for everyone’s patience as we continue to work on campus enhancement projects.

The Langara Facilities team is presently working hard to have some areas ready for September and beyond. Please continue to read the Operational Updates in The Langara Post to stay connected. We also encourage you to visit our site to learn about facilities guidelines, key contacts, and the services we provide.

Renovations & construction:
Here are just a few highlights of the renovations our team has been working towards:

  • In A Building, work continues in the vacated biology labs to convert the spaces into classrooms, while the physics labs are being developed into administrative offices.
  • A167 (previously The Gathering Space) will be converted into additional classroom space. Work has started and is expected to be ready for the fall.
  • You may have noticed some construction in near the Library in front of T Building over the last few weeks. This is in preparation for the new house posts in honour of Siem Henry Charles of the Musqueam Nation.
  • Pathways around campus are being repaired to reduce tripping hazards. The project is almost finished and expected to be complete in the next week or so.
  • Design work has started for A building roofing upgrades.
  • Lastly, A003 expanded into A005 to create an larger space for a new Design classroom.

Relocations and completed projects:

  • Indigenous Services and Education as well as the Indigenous Gathering Space have a new home in C Building (C120).
  • The A Building fan system upgrades are complete and undergoing final commissioning.
  • Vacated Chemistry Lab area on 2nd floor of A Building is complete. The upgrade included six new spaces (A271, 272, 273, 274, 275, and 276) – four general classrooms, one design classroom for Fine Arts, and one production area for Theatre Arts.

 Facilities Department

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