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FAQ: Facilities services

Check out the list of questions below for answers to common workplace procedures or click on the link provided to find out more information about a particular subject.

1) I’m sick! What do I do now?

All employees who cannot work during their allocated time slots must let the college know of their absence. For more information, please read the article on Absence Reporting.

2) I drive to work and would like to park on campus. What are my options?

All employees hired by the college are eligible for a temporary or permanent employee parking pass. Employee parking passes are a taxable benefit and are not free. For a more in depth look at parking on campus, click on the Langara Employee Parking Pass article.

3) One of our employees will be leaving the college and a new employee will be arriving soon. How do I get the online directory to reflect that change?

Please email the Facilities department regarding any changes to the movement of staff (i.e. moves, resignations, new staff) and we will process the change. Please check your department’s contact info in the online directory to ensure it is current so staff can be easily located by other coworkers or by security during an emergency.

4) My department is relocating and I will be moving offices. How should I proceed?

Facilities does provide help and support for departmental or individual moves. To find out how to make the transition from your old to new office as smooth as possible, check out the Office Move Procedures article for more information.

5) I have lost my keys. How do I get a new set?

The lost keys need to be reported to the Facilities department as soon as possible and a record of the incident must be recorded. A key request form needs to be completed and handed in to the Facilities department to obtain new keys. Please read the College Keys article for more details on the procedure for obtaining keys to a new office and the responsibilities of a Langara key holder.

6) In light of the recent critical incident event on campus, I would like to find out more about campus and personal safety.

Langara College strives to make our workplace as safe as possible by offering various safety services such as ergonomic assessments, a safe walk program and much more.

Be sure to take a look at both the (1) Safety Services for Employees & the (2) Emergency and Safety Procedures articles to keep informed about the kinds of services available to you.

7) How do I book a meeting room?

Meeting rooms can be booked through myLangara by clicking on the Employee Meeting Room Booking link under the Online Self Service section. Please refer to the Meeting Room Booking Etiquette article for further details.

8) I have a question for Facilities but I am not sure who to contact. What should I do?

See this overview of the Facilities Department to get to know more about your Facilities personnel.

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