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Featured Work

Featured Work


This week’s featured work comes from two members of our QA team: Kumiko Aoki and Megan Towhey.

Kumiko Aoki: Web Advertisement Designs

Kumiko Aoki

What about this piece stands out for you?

I love the colours and typefaces I used for the ads. I feel like each ad suited the client’s brand image. I also enjoyed working on the layout and figuring out the best way to place the images and text. I’m happy with the designs I’ve made because they are eye-catching and reflect the brand well.

Did you encounter any challenges when creating this piece?

The web ad spaces are small, so placing all the necessary information and images in a small real estate was a challenge. There were a few trial and errors before I could come up with a layout that suited each ad, but it was a very rewarding experience when your designs get approved by the client and you receive positive feedback.

View more of Kumiko’s work at

Megan Towhey: Writing & eBook Design

Little Talks Mockup

What about this piece stands out for you?

During the program I discovered I had an interest in eBook design and the self-publishing branch of the industry. This eBook started as a challenge to myself to create a portfolio piece using a novella I had recently written, and the final product ended up proving to me that this was were I wanted to head with my career following the program. My tendency with design is to clutter the page, so I am really proud of the simple, clean aesthetic I used for the cover and internal pages. I think what I created is eye-catching and really communicates the tone of the story it houses well.

Did you encounter any challenges when creating this piece?

The biggest challenge for me was to push myself outside of my design comfort zone. I really wanted to keep things simple, but with maximum impact and I wasn’t sure at first how to achieve that. My other challenge of course was just getting over the nerves of putting both my writing and ebook design work into the world for the first time. I’ve realized that if you love what you create the only real critique that matters is your own.

View more of Meg’s work at or


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