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Meet The Team: Promotions (& Online Editor!)


Last but not least, it is our turn! Both Marianna (me!) and Victoria made up the Promotions Team this year, and Victoria was our Online Editor. Since both teams are small, we did a combined Q&A!

Here we go…


Promotions (and Online Editor!): An Interview



What were some helpful resources that helped you through the program?

Marianna: The internet has endless tutorials… YouTube helped me a lot. Our program also provides us with a free subscription to so I definitely logged on to that quite often.

Victoria: Friends! Between learning many software programs and gaining new skills and the hectic schedule, staying in check with each other and supporting one another to make sure we all succeed was crucial. I’d say our little group this year was really great at reminding one another about deadlines and helping one another out in times of trouble.


What was the biggest learning curve for you?

Marianna: I think the first term was probably the most difficult. We learned Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop, as well as writing and editing skills. It was definitely an uphill climb, but totally worth it!

Victoria: Being an adult at school! I want to laugh at that answer but it’s true! Last time around for me was more about having fun and making friends and this time was much more serious and paid for out of my pocket. It came down to severe time management skills (which I didn’t have before this program) because I chose to have a job while I was in school, and just knowing the consequences of not doing well. Also web design…. I’m sure that I lost a few years off of my life expectancy because of all the stress I went through during the 3rd semester!!!


What skill have you yet to master?

Marianna: I would like to be a better web and WordPress designer still. I feel like I know the basics of CSS and HTML pretty well, but I would like to be as confident in my skills as this years’ batch of WordPress designers were!

Victoria: Web design, as in hard coding and styling, just never clicked for me. I understand the basics which helps with customizing various WordPress themes, but straight-up HTML and CSS have not YET been mastered.


Do you have any tips for newcomers?

Marianna: Go into this program knowing it is a lot of hard work! You better have your organization skills up to par because they are pretty crucial in succeeding in this program. Also, take advantage of all of the amazing resources this program offers. We have stacks and stacks of graphic design books in the production room, all of the Adobe Creative Suite programs on the Mac computers, etc. Use these things! In the real world, they are very expensive!

Victoria: Don’t be scared by the density of the program. It is serious and can be tough but, if you’re prepared, manage your time, ask for help when you need it, and just take things day by day (even step by step!), you’ll do great.

Thanks girls!!!