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Stephanie Taylor

A Better Measure of Success

How three Vancouver women are changing business for the better through environmental and social sustainability.

Bee on a flower

On the Rise

Green roofs are on the rise for their environmental benefits and their ability to bring communities together.


Don’t Feed the Whale Sharks

Tourists in the Philippines who feed whale sharks unknowingly harm the very creature they had come to see.


What About the Salmon Sharks?

A seasoned Alaskan diver highlights the need for more information about salmon shark populations and their conservation.

Bloedel Conservatory roof

A Sanctuary Called Home

Sanctuaries such as the Bloedel Conservatory and Greyhaven Exotic Bird Sanctuary give abandoned exotic birds a home.

Goat doing yoga illustration

Goat Yoga

At Lainey Morse’s animal-assisted therapy sessions, people have come from all over to do yoga. With goats.

amazon jungle

Down the Amazon

Iquitos, Peru is your gateway to an unforgettable adventure exploring the Amazon’s villages, exotic plants, and animals.

farmer watering plants

Grow Your Own

Taproot, Kauai, is a farming community that supplies herbs, spices, and exotic fruits and vegetables to adventurous chefs.

wild berries

Urban Homesteader

With a few inexpensive, eco-friendly lifestyle changes, helping Mother Nature has never been so easy. Here are a few options to consider adopting in your everyday life.


Future Harvests

Innovative UBC program provides a new generation of farmers with agricultural education and hands-on experience.

Rescuing Chester

False killer whale, Chester, arrived at the Vancouver Aquarium near death. But he not only survived – he thrived!

Puerto-Princesa Subterranean River National Park, Palawan

The Philippines’ Last Frontier

Breathtaking views, crystal blue waters, powder white sand. Heaven on Earth is found at Palawan Province, Philippines.

Growing Alternatives

From mushroom surfboards to bamboo bicycles and hemp beer: once futuristic, eco-friendly alternatives are available now.

Alligator Illustration

Diversity Threatened

The plight of a few endangered species (such as the Javan rhinoceros and giant panda) has been widely publicized, but there are many lesser-known species across the Pacific Rim which are facing similar threats.

creative concept illustrating the endangerment of sharks

The Fin Appeal

Researchers, activists and shark experts weigh in to broaden the dialogue surrounding shark conservation.

an illustration of a shark with mouth open

Debunking Jaws

The great white shark is not the villainous, vengeful killer Hollywood would have you believe.

Rescuing Pickles

International volunteers rescue an abandoned Taiwanese pup.

The New Formula

Is genetic modification a safe way to feed a hungry world?

Science or Slaughter

A careful look at the Japanese whaling problem.

Project Seahorse

The little creature spurring on big change.

Peril in the Jungle

Palm oil plantations put Indonesia’s orangutans in danger.

Loved to Death

Slow and steady is losing the race: the efforts to save the world’s turtles.

History on the Half-Shell

The Kumamoto oyster flourishes on North American menus.

Colour Me Koi

Vancouver embraces an eastern treasure.

Langara Digital and Print Publishing Program