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Published 2015

PRM 2015 cover

A Greener Future
Masthead 2015

List of contributors to the 2015 issue.

Environment surrounding palm oil production

Palm Futures

Many people are familiar with the problems with manufacturing palm oil, but don’t realize that avoidance isn’t the answer. Consumers must understand their own purchasing power, and force companies to provide a sustainable alternative.

Root vegetables in the dirt

Think Before You Eat

As the world’s land and water becomes increasingly limited, we need alternative ways to feed our ever-growing populations. Vegetarianism, veganism, or even just eating less meat can go a long way in preserving our resources.

Image of man's hand picking up a bee.

City Bee, Country Bee

Urban beekeeping is a growing trend in many cities around the world. But with the population of rural bees continuing to decline, it’s uncertain whether rooftop hives will be enough to save our pollinators.

Exterior of Tiny home.

Small Spaces, Big Questions

As real estate costs grow ever higher, owning your own home can seem impossible. But the tiny home trend proves that with a little work and a lot of ingenuity, small-scale living is a viable alternative.

Plate with cutlery

Dining in the Dark

Eating a meal in total darkness is undoubtedly a unique experience. But dark dining is a growing trend, and provides not only an epicurean adventure, but career possibilities for those with a visual impairment.

Dirty landscape near garment factory

The Denim Dilemma

With the global popularity of disposable fashion comes the increasing destruction of the world’s water sources and ecosystems. Your $30 jeans may feel good and look fashionable, but what price does the environment pay?

Illustration of festival themed posters for Yanshui, Nebuta Matsuri. Loi Krathong, Inti Raymi, Duanwu, and Ati-atihan.

Let’s Celebrate

From dragon boat races in China to ancient Incan rituals in Peru, the Pacific Rim is rich in celebrations. Take a quick trip around the region and discover what festivals these diverse nations have to offer.

Illustration of Cow inside a lightbulb.

Waste Not, Want Not

Cowpower BC is a non-profit organization that creates sustainable energy from manure. While similar energy production already exists in countries such as Germany and China, Cowpower is helping British Columbia contribute to a sustainable future.

Hand holding smartphone

Access Tech

Each new smartphone is almost guaranteed to have a feature that makes our everyday lives easier. But for people with visual impairments, advancements in accessible technology can help reduce the limitations caused by their disability.

Image of traditional Chinese medicinal practices text

Providing an Alternative

In rural areas of Central America, Western medicine can be difficult to come by. A Vancouver woman teaches Guatemalan healers the art of Traditional Chinese Medicine in order to provide an affordable and accessible healthcare option.

Potluck Dinner table

In the Raw

Raw vegan diets are growing in popularity, and the options are anything but boring. Vancouver blogger Emily von Euw (of This Rawsome Vegan Life) hosts potluck dinners to bring her community of readers together.

Gender Games

For many years the video gaming sphere has often been considered a man’s domain. But with an increase in female players and developers, the industry is shifting its focus to include a larger fan base.

Bowl of beef pho

Hungry in Hanoi?

The origins of phở (Vietnamese noodle soup) are debated, but according to Lucy Ava Liu, one thing is certain: there’s no better place to grab a bowl than the streets of Vietnam’s capital, Hanoi.

Collage of food and restaurant interior

Le Marché St. George

Le Marché St. George, a café located in East Vancouver, offers delicious European fare including crêpes, pastries, and quiches. Also for sale are specialty goods and gifts made by Lower Mainland and Gulf Island artisans.

Hiker in the forest

Hiking the Wild Coast

British Columbia’s West Coast Trail winds 75 kilometres along Vancouver Island’s southwest coast, traversing marshes and beaches. With panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean, the trail is home to black bears, wolves, and cougars.

Rice Bowl

Food Trucks

Vancouver’s food trucks offer a range of delicious options for food on the go, and represent the cuisines of a variety of Pacific Rim nations. We’ve rounded up and reviewed a few of the best.

Barista making latte art

Above Average Joe

For Australians, drinking coffee is about more than just the buzz. Australia’s well-developed coffee culture favours high-quality espresso-based drinks, such as the flat white, and the personal nature of small cafés.

Collage of food and restaurant interior

The Union

With a full menu of dishes from Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam, the Union is Vancouver’s one-stop shop for fresh and flavourful Southeast Asian cuisine. Their entrées provide the perfect combination of Eastern and Western flavours.

Collage of food and restaurant interior

Exile Bistro

This cozy restaurant in Vancouver’s West End serves a variety of healthy dishes and creative cocktails, with an emphasis on local wild and organic ingredients. A great spot for a romantic evening or a culinary adventure.

Cameron highland hills

The Cameron Highlands

Malaysia’s Cameron Highlands, one of the country’s largest colonial hill stations, attracts 30,000 visitors a week and offers a cool climate to enjoy the many hiking trails and tea plantation tours the region has to offer.

Illustration of a crowd

Stress for Success

With short recruitment periods and a strict etiquette to follow for young Japanese people looking for work, the job hunt can be a stressful period in their life and can even lead to thoughts of suicide.

Man in Cosplay Thor Costume

Part-Time God

Cosplay is gaining popularity as fans looks for ways to meet like-minded individuals. Bob Smylie, father of four and part-time Asgardian god of thunder, talks about conventions, making costumes, and why he likes playing Thor.

Alligator Illustration

Diversity Threatened

The plight of a few endangered species (such as the Javan rhinoceros and giant panda) has been widely publicized, but there are many lesser-known species across the Pacific Rim which are facing similar threats.