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Langara Mail Room

Mailroom: Insider tips

Whether you are new to Langara College or have been here for years, make sure to read these important insider tips to maximize your time in the mailroom.

Tip #1: Before mail is even brought up to the mailroom, there are a few preparation steps to ensure mail goes out properly.

Prep Step #1: Check the address is complete and spelled correctly
Prep Step #2: Write your name or your department on the top left corner of the envelope or package in case of mail returns.
Prep Step #3: Packages, oversized envelopes and regular envelopes that are overstuffed should be sealed before drop off.
Prep Step #4: Different destinations require different postage amounts, therefore, please sort the mail into separate bundles for mail out to Canadian, United States or International addresses.

These are just some of the rules and regulations required for a mail out. Read more on mailing out items and procedures for large mail outs here.

Tip #2: Did you receive an orange supply pick up slip? The slip was given to you because you have mail or supplies that are too large to fit in your mailbox. Please follow the instructions on the slip to pick up your oversized item.

Still feeling confused? Can’t find your oversized item? Please read our Mailroom Layout article to learn where everything is in the mailroom.

Tip #3: Please remember to take your assignments or exams out of the photocopier after use so it is ready for the next staff member.

Confidential material can be disposed of in the confidential bins located beside the blue recycle bin or next to the faculty mailboxes beside the door. Please also remember to close the mailroom door to keep private mail secure.

Tip #4: Help Langara create a zero waste campus by reusing and recycling. Bring down any extra office supplies still in good working condition to the Mailroom cabinet located beside the departmental and faculty mailboxes. While you are there, check out what other colleagues are recycling and pick up a new pen or whiteboard marker to use in your next class!

Tip #5: Are you finding yourself carrying a stack of inter-office envelopes to your office every time you stop by the mailroom? Make one trip by returning the envelopes, to the spot located beside the whiteboard markers labelled “Inter-Office Envelopes”, before bringing mail back to the office.

There you have it! The top 5 insider tips for making the most out of your trip to the mailroom. Come back at the beginning of the New Year for more useful information on mailroom services.

Facilities Department

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